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For Introducers

The liquidity venue for unlisted Companies

A way to support your client or issuers liquidity requirements.
A venue to allow shares to be transacted for de-listed companies.
Pre-IPO Support and preliminary foundations before a listing.

What we do for introducers

JP Jenkins is the liquidity venue for unlisted assets. We provide an efficient platform for privately held and unlisted businesses who are seeking a liquidity solution for holders of their securities.

For companies seeking to raise capital for the first time, we also offer an assisted financing service. Using our network of brokers and placing agents, we can introduce a right-sized partner to meet the exact needs of the issuer, reflecting their size, sector and stage in terms of business development.

Referal agreements for introducers are available.  Contact us for more details.


Why we do it

The market in the UK is fragmented and underserved when it comes to meeting the financing and liquidity needs of privately held companies. The JP Jenkins approach allows business owners to leverage the value they have created, matching buyers and sellers across a wide range of investment opportunities. And with a growing number of unlisted assets that investors actively want to trade or value, the market is desperately in need of innovative, transparent and accessible solutions such as ours.


Our extensive market reach means we can help you build a better understanding of unlisted securities as an asset class and why their popularity is surging right now. With growth driven both by companies deferring IPO plans and institutions who are ready and willing to invest in privately held assets, the buy and sell side alike are more willing than ever to engage on platforms such as ours.

Working with JP Jenkins and being familiar with our upcoming technology deployment shows a clear point of delineation in what can at times be a crowded market for professional advisors. This offers you a genuine edge when looking to maintain relationships or forge new ones with fast growth companies. We have a competitive introducer scheme for advisers, ensuring that you have the opportunity to share in our success, too, and we also have a comprehensive educational program ready to support both you and your team.


Using the latest technology

By using new, innovative technology from InfinitX, we can display live, real-time pricing with any registered broker or other financial institution. They can then connect, execute and settle with JP Jenkins over existing market infrastructures. Check with your broker regarding access and suitability