Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.


About Us

Our Story

Founded in 1991, JP Jenkins is the liquidity venue for unlisted assets. We provide an efficient platform for privately held and unlisted businesses who are seeking a liquidity solution for holders of their securities. By using new, innovative technology from InfinitX, we can display live, real-time pricing with any registered broker or other financial institution. They can then connect, execute and settle with JP Jenkins over existing market infrastructures.

Our Vision

We cultivate and sustain a high-functioning, dynamic environment designed to foster growth and success for private companies. Our comprehensive support system for corporate clients encompasses a diverse network of strategic partners, potential investors, and other key stakeholders, all working together to create a thriving business ecosystem.

The Team

Mike McCudden


Sagrys De Beer

Head of Technology

Veronika Oswald

Commercial Director

Mason Doick

Head Of Corporate

Andrew McGlynn​

Head of Onboarding

Andrew Foster



Technology Advisor

Edwin Hamilton

Chief Financial Officer

Current Companies

From Weetabix to Manchester City Football Club, our platform has been used by a wide range of small and large companies.

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