Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.


What We Do

JP Jenkins provides a suite of complementary services to companies. Admission to the platform is a straightforward process comprising of due diligence, review by the JP Jenkins team and the transfer of shares for matching on the platform.


An efficient platform for privately held and unlisted businesses who are seeking a liquidity solution for holders of their securities.


Delivering liquidity, matching buyers and sellers across a wide range of unlisted investment opportunities.


We support a network of brokers and placing agents, introducing right-sized partners to meet the exact needs of each issuer.


A corporate partnership programme supports our institutional partners in helping private growth companies access liquidity.

Benefits of JP Jenkins​

Latest Prices

Matched buyers and sellers, historic prices, completed transactions and volumes all shown on our platform.

Exit Options ​

Access liquidity, view established UK private companies and manage your holdings in alternative asset classes.

Corporate Governance

Improve investor relations and corporate governance sharing updates and announcements to your shareholders.

Corporate Governance

Improve investor relations and corporate governance sharing updates and announcements to your shareholders.

Exit options

Provide a partial or full exit to your shareholders via a fair and transparent process.

Avoid Wide Spreads

Provide a de-risked proposition where investors have peace of mind and no wide price spreads.