Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Resources & Guides

JP Jenkins provides a low cost and efficient platform for companies that are looking to allow shareholders to manage shares. The process is very simple, as we provide a facility that can quickly match buyers and sellers.

Our Glossary

We understand that navigating the financial environment can often be confusing. We have curated a list of key terms to understand and define. 

Feel free to view, download and share our glossary below:

Image of a glossary
The art of Fundraising

The art of fundraising

Drawing on the expertise of Business Angels, VCs, Family Offices and Corporates, The Art of Fundraising aims to help guide entrepreneurs through the process of raising early-stage funding.

Sourced: SyndicateRoom

The Second Market

The need for liquidity in private markets is becoming more crucial than ever before, with private equity investments at an all-time high.

Check out our latest publication featured on the UKBAA resources page. 


JP Jenkins is a platform for private companies shares to be matched. 

  • Our traditional broker to broker service.

Any LSE (London Stock Exchange) registered broker can contact our team to place an order. If you do not have one currently, our team will be able to recommend.

We purely provide a facility for the matching of unquoted shares and strictly do not offer any advice.

Our fees start from £10,000 per annum.

This includes the application fee, initial due diligence, administrational and admission costs.

Bespoke liquidity with tailored approach to the most suitable option for shareholders.

Access our growing community and communicate to our investors.

Any investment contains a level of risk, particularly early stage companies. Many of these early stage companies fail and even established businesses can struggle. 

We would recommend to any investor to carefully familiarise themselves with all the information provided for each company before investing. You should also asses each of the risks involved with investing to make sure they are appropriate for your portfolio. 

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