23rd Jan 2025
Quiz PLC
(“QUIZ” or “the Company”)
Shares to be trading on JP Jenkins
London, UK, 23rd Jan 2025 – Quiz PLC (QUIZ:JPJ), today announces its shares are to be admitted to trade on JP Jenkins share dealing platform. The Company’s registered address is 61 Hydepark Street, Glasgow, G3 8BW.
Quiz was founded in 1993 and began trading with 3 stores in Scotland. Quiz has now grown to over 150 stores and concessions in most of the major shopping centres and high streets across the UK. With over 60 franchises in Europe and Asia the Quiz brand has also grown worldwide. The company employs more than 1000 members of staff in the UK alone. QUIZ PLC is an omni-channel fast fashion women’s wear brand. It focusses on occasion wear and dressy casual wear offering clothes, footwear and accessories.
JP Jenkins provides a share trading venue for unlisted or unquoted assets in companies, enabling shareholders and prospective investors to buy and sell equity on a matched bargain basis. JP Jenkins is a trading name of InfinitX Limited and Appointed Representative of Prosper Capital LLP (FRN453007).
The indicative pricing for the ordinary shares as well as the transaction history, will be available on the JP Jenkins website at (https://jpjenkins.com/).
For further information, please contact:
Quiz PLC Investor Relations | JP Jenkins Ltd Veronika Oswald / Mason Doick |
Email: investor.relations@quizclothing.co.uk | Tel. +44 (0) 207 469 0937 Email: info@jpjenkins.com |